NHSC Loan Repayment

Did you know that you can pay off your student loans while continuing to make a difference in the world?

Paying off student loans is stressful, and it is estimated that it can take on average 10 or even over 29 years to pay off in full. Clinicians at certain National Health Service Corps (NHSC) approved sites may be eligible to apply to the NHSC Loan Repayment Program, which offers up to $75,000 for loan repayment.

The NHSC Loan Repayment Program is a federal program that helps eligible clinicians pay off their student debt. The program awards clinicians up to $75,000 in exchange for three years of service at an approved site. This service must be provided in a Human Resource & Services Administration (HRSA) certified clinic like IMUA Health Group. These clinics are specially accredited to have all the requirements needed to fulfill the loan repayment.

There are several requirements that must be met in order to apply for this loan repayment program. Clinicians must first be accepted into an NHSC-approved site prior to applying for the loan repayment program; they must also remain employed at this same site throughout the duration of their service commitment. Furthermore, clinicians must be U.S citizens or nationals with no other obligations such as military service or other federal service commitments. Finally, all applicants must meet specific criteria regarding their educational background and training experience; these requirements vary depending on the type of clinical practice specialty being applied for.

The NHSC Loan Repayment Program is an incredible opportunity for clinicians who want to get a foot in the door while paying off their student debt. Not only do recipients receive financial assistance but they also gain valuable opportunities to serve communities as, not all, but many clinics find themselves understaffed for the number of patients looking for providers. In addition, many employers will match payments made through this program so it’s possible to double your savings! Plus, there are flexible payment options available so you can choose a plan that works best for your lifestyle and budget.

All in all, the NHSC Loan Repayment Program is a great way for clinicians who work at eligible sites to get financial relief from their student loans while making a positive impact on communities across the country. If you meet all eligibility requirements and are interested in applying for this loan repayment program visit the National Health Service Corps website before April 25th 2023 at 7:30 pm EST! You can easily start taking steps towards paying off those pesky student loans without having to take time away from doing what you love—helping others!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I apply?

You can apply here: NHSC Loan Repayment Program.

If approved for Loan Repayment, where can I work?

Great question! There are a lot of NHSC-approved sites to apply for. IMUA Health Group is an approved site and is currently looking for two (2) full-time providers who are NHSC LRP recipients. Contact us at careers@imuahealthgroup.com

There are a handful of auto approved sites that may also be looking for applicants. For more information on sites and the LRPs available, click here: NHSC Loan Repayment Comparisions

I plan to fulfill my service commitment but ultimately, my goal is private practice.

Awesome! You’re speaking our language. If you are a NHSC LRP recipient and we bring you onboard with IMUA, it’s a huge part of our mission to mentor aspiring private practice owners! If hired at IMUA, you will learn about private practice during your service commitment. We will also help you set up and credential your private practice as a benefit of being on team IMUA. Contact us below for more information.

What does working at IMUA Health Group look like?

Check out our Careers page for more information about joining team IMUA.